You can certainly make partial payments throughout the month. However, the upfront payment must be paid in full no later than the 3rd of each month at 3:30 PM ET.
To make a one-time payment, please log in to your Flexible Rent account at and select "Make a Payment" from the drop-down menu. You can also change your Flexible Rent schedule to fit your pay schedule better. To change your schedule, please navigate to and log in to your Flexible Rent account. From the drop-down, please click "Change Schedule". From here, you can adjust your schedule for the current month by selecting "Make a one-time change to this month's schedule" or change your recurring schedule by selecting "Update monthly payment frequency".
Please note that if your Flexible Rent balance is not paid 3 business days prior to the end of the month, it may cause your account to not be fully reconciled by month's end which presents issues in funding your rent for next month.