If you do not wish to use Best Egg Flexible Rent this month, simply refrain from making your upfront payment. This will put your account in a paused status and allow you to reactivate your account for a future month.
If you’re enrolled in Auto Pay and you want to pause your account, be sure to turn off Auto Pay before the first payment processes.
Here are some reasons why an account may be paused automatically:
- Your account is not active or enrolled,
- You did not make your upfront payment by 3:30 pm ET on the 3rd.
- Your bank account did not have sufficient funds to cover the upfront payment when we attempted to process your payment. If this is the case, we will send you an email confirming that you’d like to us to process your payment despite the low balance.
- Your account is paused for an outstanding balance.
- Your community is no longer participating with Flexible Rent.
- We did not receive a bill from your community within the enrollment period 1st-3rd. We rely on your community to post the rent bill and this amount must be validated each month. If we do not receive it, then we are unable to create a schedule for you.
- Your community has blocked online payments through your payment partner which includes the use of Flexible Rent. If this is the case, you will see this information displayed on your resident portal with Best Egg. Please speak with your landlord to remove this block for future months.
To review your Flexible Rent account, please log in to your resident portal at https://flexiblerent.bestegg.com. If you still have questions, please contact us at FlexibleRent@BestEgg.com.