For our existing Best Egg Personal Loan or Credit Card customers, Financial Health is integrated into our online platform as an added benefit. It is included when anyone makes use of one of our great products. However, we can make sure you’re not signed up for VantageScore® reporting and ensure you don’t receive any further alerts.
If you have no other products of ours, like a Best Egg Personal Loan or Best Egg Credit Card, we will unenroll you from all Financial Health services, VantageScore reporting, and delete your membership.
Discontinuing is as easy as emailing us at, or clicking the “Feedback” button on the right side of your Financial Health homepage. If that doesn’t work, simply contact us for more help. We will make sure to process your request within 1-2 business days.
If I unenroll from Financial Health, can I sign up again later?
Of course! You’re always welcome to return to Best Egg Financial Health. Just note that you will lose any saved information associated with your previous membership. But with new tools developing all the time, you can find new ways to take control of your financial wellness and work towards your goals.