If you pay more than your fixed monthly payment, remaining funds will first be applied to any accrued interest from fees (if applicable), then to your principal loan balance. This can reduce the total number of monthly payments you'll have to make and can reduce your next monthly payment amount.
If you are enrolled in automatic payments, making additional payments will not reduce the amount of your next monthly payment, but can reduce the total number of monthly payments you’ll have to make. Your automatic payments will continue to be withdrawn on your scheduled monthly due date at the fixed amount agreed to in your loan agreement.
Please keep in mind that returned payments may result in the cancellation of your automatic payments.
Please note:
- Same-day debit card payments cannot be cancelled or refunded.
- If your check or money order is not made payable to Best Egg, or is sent to an incorrect address, there may be a delay in applying your payment to your account. Also, if you have multiple products with us, a separate check or money order must be submitted for each account for which you want to make a payment. Please include your corresponding account number in the memo line of each check or money order.
- Mailing your payment? We accept checks, cashier's checks, and money orders. Please place your account number in the memo line of your check or money order and allow 7-10 business days for your payment to reach us.
- All payments received after 7:00 pm ET won’t post to your account until the next business day.